AN 775: Generating Initial I/O Timing Data: for Intel FPGAs

ID 683103
Date 12/08/2019

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1.5. Scripted I/O Timing Data Generation

You can use a Tcl script to generate I/O timing information with or without using the Intel® Quartus® Prime software user interface.
The scripted approach generates text-based I/O timing parameter data for supported I/O standards.
Note: The scripted method is available only for Linux* platforms.

Follow these steps to generate I/O timing information reflecting multiple I/O standards for Intel® Agilex™ , Intel® Stratix® 10, and Intel® Arria® 10 devices:

  1. Download the appropriate Intel® Quartus® Prime project archive file for your target device family:
  2. To restore the .qar project archive, launch the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software and click Project > Restore Archived Project. Alternatively, run the following command line equivalent without launching the GUI:
    quartus_sh --restore <archive file>
    The io_timing_<device>_restored directory now contains the qdb subfolder and various files.
  3. To run the script with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Timing Analyzer, run the following command:
    quartus_sta –t <device>.tcl
    Wait for completion. The script execution may require 8 hours or more because each change on I/O standard or pin location requires design recompilation.
  4. To view the timing parameter values, open the generated text files in timing_files, with names such as timing_tsuthtco_<device>_<speed>_<IO_standard>.txt.