50G Interlaken Design Example User Guide

ID 683029
Date 10/04/2021

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2.4. Example Design Behavior

Immediately following configuration on the Arria 10 device, when you type run_example_design in system console, the 50G Interlaken IP core hardware example design performs the following actions:

  1. Resets the 50G Interlaken IP core.
  2. Configures the 50G Interlaken IP core in internal loopback mode.
  3. Sends a sequence of 100 256-byte Interlaken packets with predefined data in the payload to the TX user data transfer interface of the IP core.
  4. Checks the received packets and reports the status.

The packet checker included in the hardware example design provides the following basic packet checking capabilities:

  • Checks that the transmitted packet sequence is not violated
  • Checks that the received data matches expected values