Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B7509789-EAB4-4ED0-A3C2-363FE252AAB5
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B7509789-EAB4-4ED0-A3C2-363FE252AAB5
Set Up the Simulation Environment
You must add directories containing the Intel® Quartus® Prime and Questa* simulation software binaries to your PATH environment variable.
For Intel® Quartus® Prime Software (Simulation flow only)
For the FPGA simulation flow only, you must explicitly add the Intel® Quartus® Prime software binary directory to your PATH environment variable using the following command:
$ export PATH=$PATH:<quartus_installdir>/quartus/bin
set "PATH=%PATH%;<quartus_installdir>\quartus\bin64"
Additionally, you must also set the OCL_ICD_FILENAMES variable to specify the Installable Client Driver (ICD) to load.
set "OCL_ICD_FILENAMES=%OCL_ICD_FILENAMES%;alteracl_icd.dll"
For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition Software
For the free Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition software, run the following command:
$ export PATH=$PATH:<quartus_installdir>/questa_fse/bin
set "PATH=%PATH%;<quartus_installdir>\questa_fse\win64"
For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition Software
For the licensed Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software, run the following command:
$ export PATH=$PATH:<quartus_installdir>/questa_fe/bin
set "PATH=%PATH%;<quartus_installdir>\questa_fe\win64"
You should now be able to successfully compile for simulation.