Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-52EEB00D-4CB2-4EC4-B648-E74084EB1E4B
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-52EEB00D-4CB2-4EC4-B648-E74084EB1E4B
Obtain FPGA Hardware Image Information
The aocl binedit utility allows you to extract the following useful information about the compiled binary:
Compilation environment details, such as: * Compiler version * Compile command used * Intel® Quartus® Prime software version
board_spec.xml from the BSP used for compiling
Kernel fMAX (Quartus-compiled fMAX)
BSP and board used for compiling
Use the aocl binedit utility with the following command:
aocl binedit <oneapi_binary> <list/get/print/exists> [<section_name> [output_file]]
The following are the list of available actions:
list : Lists all available <section_name> in the given binary.
print : Writes contents of the existing named section to the standard output stream for each package file in the binary.
get : Writes contents of the existing named section to the output file.
exists : Verifies if the section exists in the package files in the binary. The non-zero exit code indicates the section does not exist.
For example, if you have a binary compiled in the simulator flow, then the following command outputs SimulatorDevice:
aocl binedit <oneapi_binary> print .acl.board
You can also identify the BSP versions using the following command:
aocl binedit <oneapi_binary> print .acl.board_package