Solution Aggregator

Industry: Industrial  | Available Territories: Global

About This Partner and Products

  • Product Name: Warehousing Business Automation and Visualization of Management Process

  • Intel Solution Type: Intel® IoT Market Ready Solution

  • Targeted Geographies: Europe, North America, South America, Central America, People's Republic of China, Asia, Pacific and Japan, Africa and Middle East

  • Industry: Industrial

  • Competency: Object Recognition



Digital China Information Service Company Ltd.

Digital China Information Service Company Ltd. (DCITS) provisions software and information services including technological services, agricultural information, application software development, financial equipment, and integrated solutions.

About the Product

Warehousing Business Automation and Visualization of Management Process

The solutions from DCITS enable warehouse automation and enhance the process of warehouse management, improving efficiency and lowering cost using RFID, positioning, 3D measurement, and video surveillance technologies.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel components: Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU, Intel Atom® processor, Intel® Core™ processor