AN 1002: Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems

ID 786899
Date 10/02/2023
Document Table of Contents

2. About This Application Note

This application note demonstrates the advantages of the packaged subsystem feature available in Platform Designer using an example DisplayPort Core system. You can readily share and reuse a Platform Designer system by creating a packaged subsystem. The packaged subsystem combines everything about the pre-verified and parameterized system into a single, compressed, and portable .qcp file for reuse in other Platform Designer systems.

The DisplayPort Core design example that this document describes includes the following components:

  • Receiver (Rx) subsystem
  • Transmitter (Tx) subsystem
  • CPU subsystem
Figure 1. DisplayPort Core System

The Tx and Rx subsystems are based on the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP. The Tx and Rx subsystems are very similar to one another to help demonstrate the features of the packaged subsystem feature.