AN 1002: Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems

ID 786899
Date 10/02/2023
Document Table of Contents

4.4.8. Step 4g: Sync System Infos, Assign Base Addresses, and Save

After making modifications, follow these steps to synchronize any mismatches between component instantiation and IP files and save the system:

  1. run the following commands:
    Figure 19. Sync System Infos, Assign Base Addresses, and Save

  2. Click Save in the New Packaged Subsystem dialog box. The .qcp file saves, and the packaged subsystem appears under Project in IP Catalog.
    Figure 20. dp_subsys Packaged Subsystem in IP Catalog

You can now share this packaged subsystem .qcp file with other users or reuse this packaged subsystem yourself. The .qcp file contains all portions of the system that the packaged subsystem author chooses to include in the packaged subsystem.