Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 2/14/2023

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10.5. The MicroC/TCP-IP Protocol Stack Files and Directories

Intel provides µC/TCP-IP source code for your reference. By default, the files are installed in <Quartus Prime install path>\niosv\components\uc_tcp_ip directory. The directory contains the original µC/TCP-IP protocol stack source code and documentation from vendor.

There are multiple libraries in the directory. The main library is µC-TCP-IP. The main library depends upon µC-Common, µC-CPU, µC-LIB, µC-DHCPc, and µC-Conf.

Table 38.  MicroC/TCP-IP Library and Description
Library Description
µC-TCP-IP µC/TCP-IP protocol stack libraries
µC-Common Includes a Kernel Abstraction Layer (KAL) to easily switch between different OS’s. Nios® V processor uses microC/OS-II KAL to implement µC/TCP-IP protocol stack
µC-CPU Implements CPU specific features such as timestamp, IRQ disable/enable
µC-LIB Includes library functions such as math functions and string manipulation
µC-DHCPc Addition features to µC/TCP-IP to acquire the IP address via DHCP server instead of setting a static address
µC-Conf Header configuration files for all the above libraries.

Intel® FPGA's implementation of the µC/TCP-IP Stack is based on latest available version the protocol stack, with wrappers around the code to integrate it with the HAL. Intel® Quartus® Prime updates the µC/TCP-IP Stack with each release. You may find the specific version info in the header of each source code.