AN 922: Using the ECO Compilation Flow

ID 683873
Date 3/31/2022

1.3.3. Tie Off Input Port to GND

To tie off the DSP ENA[0] port to GND, follow these steps:

  1. In the Node Finder, find and right-click node my_dsp_inst0, and then click Locate Node > Locate in Resource Property Viewer.
  2. Click the DSP Elements tab. In the Connectivity pane, locate ENA[2..0] in the Input Port Name column. ENA[0] is set to VCC.
    Figure 9.  my_dsp_inst0 Before ECO Change
  3. Click Processing > Start > Perform ECO Compilation. Specify and run eco_demo_3.tcl. eco_demo_3.tcl contains the following make_connection ECO command:
    make_connection -tieoff GND -to {my_dsp_inst0|mult_inst|lpm_mult_0|\
       lpm_mult_component|auto_generated|mult_0~mac} -port {ENA[0]}
  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to view the ECO change in Resource Property Viewer.
    Figure 10.  my_dsp_inst0 After ECO Change