AN 922: Using the ECO Compilation Flow

ID 683873
Date 3/31/2022

1.3.2. Change Routing Connections

You can specify the remove_connection and make_connection commands to modify the routing of the compiled design.

Follow these steps to modify the routing of node i22 by running the eco_demo_2.tcl Tcl script:

  1. In the Node Finder, find and right-click node i22, and then click Locate Node > Locate in Resource Property Viewer.
    Figure 6.  i22 in Resource Property Viewer Before ECO
  2. Click Processing > Start > Perform ECO Compilation. Specify and run the eco_demo_2.tcl file. eco_demo_2.tcl contains the following remove_connection and make_connection ECO commands:
    remove_connection -from inputa_6_reg[0] -to i22 -port DATAE
    remove_connection -from inputb_6_reg[2] -to i22 -port DATAD
    make_connection -from inputb_6_reg[2] -to i22 -port DATAE
    make_connection -from inputa_6_reg[0] -to i22 -port DATAD
  3. When ECO compilation is complete, repeat step 1 to view the change in Resource Property Viewer.
    Figure 7.  i22 in Resource Property Viewer After ECO Complete
  4. In the Fitter section of the Compilation Report, view the Connection Changes report under the ECO Changes folder.
    Figure 8. Connection Changes Report