AN 922: Using the ECO Compilation Flow

ID 683873
Date 3/31/2022

1.3. Step 3: Implement Targeted ECOs

Run the provided Tcl scripts to implement the following ECOs:
Table 2.  ECO Commands and Tcl Scripts
ECO Modification ECO Command | Script
Modify the Lutmask modify_lutmask | eco_demo_1.tcl
Change Routing Connections make_connection | eco_demo_2.tcl
Tie Off Input Port to GND modify_io_slew_rate | eco_demo_3.tcl
Modify Slew Rate, Current Strength, and Delay Chain modify_io_delay_chain | eco_demo_4.tcl
Place A Node in a New Location place_node | eco_demo_5.tcl
Create a Wire LUT Atom create_wirelut | eco_demo_6.tcl

As an alternative to the GUI methods, you can use the following commands to run the ECO Tcl scripts:

$ quartus_fit -s
load_package eco
project_open <project_name>