Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683846
Date 12/19/2022
Document Table of Contents

7.19. Configuring Constant Memory Cache Size (-const-cache-bytes=<N>)

Include the -const-cache-bytes=<N> flag in your aoc command to direct the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler to configure the constant memory cache size (rounded up to the closest power of 2).

The default constant cache size is 16 kB.

To configure the constant memory cache size, invoke the aoc -const-cache-bytes=<N> <your_kernel_filename>.cl command, where <N> is the cache size in bytes.
For example, to configure a 32 kB cache during compilation of the OpenCL™ kernel, invoke the aoc -const-cache-bytes=32768 command.
Note: This argument has no effect if none of the kernels uses the __constant address space.