Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide

ID 683642
Date 11/09/2021

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4.5.3. Black Key Provisioning

Intel strongly recommends the use of Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGAs that have a -BK OPN suffix with the black key provisioning feature. For more information about devices with a -BK suffix and setting up black key provisioning service, please contact your Intel sales representative or Intel Support.

The  Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer assists in establishing a mutually-authenticated secure connection between the  Intel® Stratix® 10 device and the black key provisioning service. The secure connection is established via https and requires several certificates identified using a text file.

The bkp_tls_ca_cert certificate authenticates your black key provisioning service instance to your black key provisioning programmer instance. The bkp_tls_* certificates authenticate your black key provisioning programmer instance to your black key provisioning service instance.

You create a text file containing the necessary information for the  Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer to connect to the black key provisioning service. To initiate black key provisioning, use the Programmer command line interface to specify the black key provisioning options text file. The black key provisioning then proceeds automatically. For access to the black key provisioning service and associated documentation, please contact Intel Support.

You can enable the black key provisioning using the quartus_pgm command:
quartus_pgm -c <cable> -m <programming_mode> --device <device_index> \
The command arguments specify the following information:
  • -c: cable number
  • -m: specifies the programming mode such as JTAG
  • --device: specifies a device index on the JTAG chain. Default value is 1.
  • --bkp_options: specifies a text file containing black key provisioning options.