Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Tips for Analyzing Failing Paths

When you are analyzing failing paths, examine the reports and waveforms to determine if the correct constraints are being applied, and add timing exceptions as appropriate. A multicycle constraint relaxes setup or hold relationships by the specified number of clock cycles. A false path constraint specifies paths that can be ignored during timing analysis. Both constraints allow the Fitter to work harder on affected paths.
  • Focus on improving the paths that show the worst slack. The Fitter works hardest on paths with the worst slack. If you fix these paths, the Fitter might be able to improve the other failing timing paths in the design.
  • Check for nodes that appear in many failing paths. These nodes are at the top of the list in a timing report panel, along with their minimum slacks. Look for paths that have common source registers, destination registers, or common intermediate combinational nodes. In some cases, the registers are not identical, but are part of the same bus.
  • In the timing analysis report panels, click the From or To column headings to sort the paths by source or destination registers. If you see common nodes, these nodes indicate areas of your design that might be improved through source code changes or Quartus® Prime optimization settings. Constraining the placement for just one of the paths might decrease the timing performance for other paths by moving the common node further away in the device.