AN 871: Quick Guide for Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Transceiver High-Speed Link Tuning

ID 683449
Date 9/26/2018

1.1. Enabling and Setting up the Transceiver Toolkit

  1. Follow the steps in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools to enable the Transceiver Toolkit with the Transceiver PHY.
  2. Open the Transceiver Toolkit.
    Figure 2. Example: Receiver Channels Tab of the Channel Manager
  3. Select the following equalization settings as your starting point (the initial values) for high-speed link tuning.
    Table 1.  Initial Values
    Analog Parameter Settings ≤ 5 Gbps >5 Gbps to 10 Gbps >10 Gbps
    TX VOD 31 31 31
    TX Pre-emphasis First Post-Tap1 2 -13 -13 -13
    RX Equalizer Stage 1-stage (S1_MODE) or 4-stage (NON_S1_MODE) 4-Stage (NON_S1_MODE) 4-Stage (NON_S1_MODE)
    RX CTLE AC Gain 10 15 15
    RX CTLE DC Gain 1 1 1
    RX VGA 0 3 4
  4. Disable the settings not listed above.
  5. From the following table, select the test pattern based on the encoding scheme used in your design.
    Table 2.  Test Pattern
    Line Code ≤ 5 Gbps >5 Gbps to 10 Gbps >10 Gbps
    No encoding PRBS7 PRBS15 PRBS31
    8b/10b encoding PRBS15 PRBS23 -
    64b/66b encoding PRBS23 PRBS23 PRBS31
1 You must adhere to the TX eye mask for specific protocols; thus, post-tap may change per protocol requirements.
2 Set TX Pre-emphasis 2nd Post-Tap, 1st Pre-Tap and 2nd Pre-Tap to setting value 0.