Visible to Intel only — GUID: ktt1572267455186
1. Overview of the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator
2. Setting Up the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator
3. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator Graphical User Interface
4. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator Pages
5. Factors Affecting the Accuracy of the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator
6. Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide Archive
7. Document Revision History for the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide
A. Measuring Static Power
4.1. Intel® FPGA PTC - Power Summary
4.2. Intel® FPGA PTC - Common Page Elements
4.3. Intel® FPGA PTC - Device Selection and Thermal Analysis Windows
4.4. Intel® FPGA PTC - Main Page
4.5. Intel® FPGA PTC - Logic Page
4.6. Intel® FPGA PTC - RAM Page
4.7. Intel® FPGA PTC - DSP Page
4.8. Intel® FPGA PTC - Clock Page
4.9. Intel® FPGA PTC - PLL Page
4.10. Intel® FPGA PTC - I/O Page
4.11. Intel® FPGA PTC - I/O-IP Page
4.12. Intel® FPGA PTC - Transceiver Page
4.13. Intel® FPGA PTC - HPS Page
4.14. Intel® FPGA PTC - HBM Page ( Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices Only)
4.15. Intel® FPGA PTC - Thermal Page
4.16. Intel® FPGA PTC - Report Page
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ktt1572267455186
3.2.2. Intel® FPGA PTC Field Types
The Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator ( Intel® FPGA PTC) employs input fields with which you configure the tool for your design; the shading of input fields alternates between white and light gray. These fields are editable, either by double-clicking and selecting a value from a drop-down list or by typing a value directly.
Output fields report calculated values, and are shaded in a darker gray. Fixed input fields, and fields that are not applicable, have their font dimmed.