Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 4/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents qed::run_command (::quartus::qed)

The following table displays information for the qed::run_command Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::qed

Syntax qed::run_command [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-async] -cmd <cmd> <object>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-async Flag indicating not to wait for any issued remote commands to complete. With this flag, the return value is a token that can be passed to qed::get_return_value. By default, the return value of the remote command is reproduced (including any errors)
-cmd <cmd> Command to issue to the remote executable
<object> Identifier associated with the object, must be unique
Communicates with background instances of the Quartus Prime Pro software
to run commands and receive return values.

When you call the "qed::run_command" command with a project object, the
command is evaluated by the background instance of the Quartus Prime Pro
software associated with that project. When you call the "qed::run_command"
command with a project group object, the command is evaluated by
the background instances of the Quartus Prime Pro software for all
projects that are in the project group.

Remember Tcl evaluation and variable substitution rules when you
specify the value of the "-cmd" option. Enclosing the
command value in quotes ( "<command value>" ) allows the command
to be interpreted by the Tcl interpreter of the workspace before
it is sent to the background software instances.
Enclosing the command value in curly braces ( {<command value>} )
delays interpretation until it is received by the background
software instances.
Example Usage
    qed::create_object -type project project_A -qpf_path /file/path/to/project.qpf
    qed::launch_connection project_A

    qed::run_command project_A -cmd "info hostname"
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful