Visible to Intel only — GUID: wmd1616029793814
Ixiasoft Steps to Run Simulation : VCS* Steps to Run Simulation : VCS* MX Steps to Run Simulation : QuestaSim* / ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Starter Edition / Questa* Intel® FPGA Starter Edition Steps to Run Simulation : Xcelium* Steps to Run Simulation : Riviera-PRO*
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wmd1616029793814
3.4. Compiling the Design Example
- Navigate to <project_dir>/pcie_avst_f_0_example_design/ and Click on pcie_ed.qpf to open example design project.
- On the Processing menu, select Start Compilation.
- Examine the design compilation result like resource utilization and timing result.
- Close your example design project.
Note: You cannot change the PCIe pin allocations in the Intel® Quartus® Prime project. However, to ease PCB routing, you can take advantage of the lane reversal and polarity inversion features supported by this IP.