AN 770: Partially Reconfiguring a Design on Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Development Board

ID 683345
Date 11/06/2017

Reference Design Files

The partial reconfiguration tutorial is available in the following location:

To download the tutorial:
  1. Click Clone or download.
  2. Click Download ZIP. Unzip the file.
  3. Navigate to the tutorials/a10_soc_devkit_blinking_led sub-folder to access the reference design.

The flat folder consists of the following files:

Table 1.  Reference Design Files
File Name Description

Top-level file containing the flat implementation of the design. This module instantiates the blinking_led sub-partition and the top_counter module. Top-level 32-bit counter that controls LED[1] directly. The registered output of the counter controls LED[0], and also powers LED[2] and LED[3] via the blinking_led module.

Defines the timing constraints for the project. This module acts as the PR partition. The module receives the registered output of top_counter module, which controls LED[2] and LED[3].

Intel® Quartus® Prime project file containing the list of all the revisions in the project.


Intel® Quartus® Prime settings file containing the assignments and settings for the project.


The pr folder contains the complete set of files you create using this application note. Reference these files at any point during the walkthrough.

Figure 2. Reference Design Files