2.5. Compiling and Testing the Design
Follow these steps to compile and test the design:
- Launch the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software and change the directory to example_design_dir/ed_synth/ and open the seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.qpf file.
- Click
The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software automatically loads the timing constraints for the design example and the design components during compilation.
to compile the design. - Connect the development board to the host computer.
- Launch the Clock Control application, which is part of the development kit. Set new frequencies for the design example using the following configurations:
- FGT designs
- systempll_ref_clk: System PLL reference clock frequency
Note: This clock is only available when the System PLL frequency selection is set to Custom
- pll_ref_clk: PMA reference clock frequency
- iopll_ref_clk: PMA reference clock frequency
- mgmt_clk: 100 MHz
Table 7. Clock Pin Output for FGT Designs Clock PAM4 NRZ systempll_ref_clk Si5391 (U45) -OUT9A Si5391-A (U18) -OUT9A pll_ref_clk Si5391 (U45) -OUT1 Si5391-A (U18) -OUT0 iopll_ref_clk Si5332 (U19) -OUT1 mgmt_clk Si5332 (U19) -OUT6 - systempll_ref_clk: System PLL reference clock frequency
- FHT designs
- pll_ref_clk: System PLL reference clock frequency
Note: This signal is always available regardless of the System PLL frequency selection
- pll_ref_clk_fht: PMA reference clock frequency
- iopll_ref_clk: PMA reference clock frequency
- mgmt_clk: 100 MHz
Table 8. Clock Pin Output for FHT Designs Clock PAM4 and NRZ pll_ref_clk Si5394 (U118) -OUT3 pll_ref_clk_fht Si5394 (U118) -OUT1 iopll_ref_clk Si5332 (U19) -OUT1 mgmt_clk Si5332 (U19) -OUT6 - pll_ref_clk: System PLL reference clock frequency
Note: Refer to the Intel Agilex® 7 I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit User Guide for steps to program the clock oscillator on board. - FGT designs
- Configure the FPGA on the development board using the generated seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.sof file ( ).
The design example targets the Intel Agilex® 7 I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit.
The design includes a Synopsys* Design Constraints File (.sdc) and an Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Settings File (.qsf) with verified constraints in loopback mode. If you use the design example with another device or development board, you may need to update the device settings and constraints in the .qsf file.
- After loading the .sof file onto the development board, run the hardware design example using either System Console or the F-Tile Serial Lite IV toolkit. For more information about the F-Tile Serial Lite IV IP toolkit, refer to the F-Tile Serial Lite IV IP Toolkit section.