5G LDPC Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683107
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2. Simulating the 5G LDPC IP RTL

Verify that the RTL behaves the same as these models.
Before simulating, generate a 5G LDPC design example.
  1. For Synopsys VCS, in the directory /simulation_scripts/synopsys/vcsmx:
    1. Execute source vcsmx_setup.sh.
      After the compilation finishes, it will run the simulation and finish in 100 ps as the default set in the vcsmx_setup.sh.
    2. Execute ./simv
      VCS starts to simulate. At the end of the simulation, a script compares the decoder output with the expected output (decoder only) and you see Simulation passed.
  2. For Mentor ModelSim, in the directory /simulation_scripts/mentor:
    1. Execute vsim.
    2. In the GUI, execute source msim_setup.tcl.
    3. Execute ld to compile the Intel Quartus Prime simulation library, IP design, and testbench files
    4. Execute run -all to start the simulation.
    At the end of the simulation, a script compares the decoder output with the expected output (decoder only) and you see Simulation passed.

  3. For Cadence NCSim, in the directory /simulation_scripts/cadence, execute source ncsim_setup.sh.
    At the end of the simulation, a script compares the decoder output with the expected output (decoder only) and you see Simulation passed.