Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 3/22/2024

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CopyLE, CopyBE

Copies the contents of one bit vector into another.


IppStatus ippsCopyLE_1u(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcBitOffset, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstBitOffset, int len);

IppStatus ippsCopyBE_1u(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcBitOffset, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstBitOffset, int len);

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib



Pointer to the source vector.


Pointer to the destination vector.


Number of elements to copy.


Offset, in bits, from the first byte of the source vector.


Offset, in bits, from the first byte of the destination vector.


This function copies the first len elements from a source vector pSrc into a destination vector pDst.

These functions copy elements of a vector that has a 8u data type. It means that each byte consists of eight consecutive elements of the vector (1 bit per element). You need to specify the start position of the source and destination vectors in the srcBitOffset and dstBitOffset parameters, respectively.

For the ippsCopyLE_1u function, the bit order of each byte is inverse to the element order. It means that the first element in a vector represents the last (seventh) bit of the first byte in a vector, as shown in the figure below.

Bit Layout for the ippsCopyLE_1u Function

For the ippsCopyBE_1u function, the bit order of each byte is ordinary. It means that the first element in a vector represents the last (zero) bit of the first byte in a vector, as shown in the figure below.

Bit Layout for the ippsCopyBE_1u Function

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error when the pSrc or pDst pointer is NULL.


Indicates an error when:
  • len is less than, or equal to zero

  • srcBitOffset or dstBitOffset is less than zero