Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A8555F5A-FCA0-4A47-A103-DDEDF2617394
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A8555F5A-FCA0-4A47-A103-DDEDF2617394
Generate a report from data collected during a previous analysis.
GUI Equivalent
File > Open > Results
File > Recent Results
--report=<string> [--action-options] [--global-options] [[--] target [target options]] -R=<string> [--action-options] [--global-options] [[--] target [target options]] |
<string> is the list of available reports:
Argument |
Description |
annotations |
Report the annotations in the source code. |
all |
Generate a combined HTML report for Offload Modeling and GPU Roofline Insights perspectives. |
custom |
Generate a custom report. |
dependencies |
Report results of a Dependencies analysis. |
joined |
Combine results for several analyses into a single report. |
map |
Report results of a Memory Access Patterns analysis. |
projection |
Report results for Offload Modeling. |
roofline |
Report results of a Roofline analysis. |
roofs |
Report roof values. |
suitability |
Report results of a Suitability analysis. |
summary |
Report the analysis summary. |
survey |
Report results of a Survey analysis. |
threads |
Report on threads. |
top-down |
Report results of a Survey analysis in top-down view. |
tripcounts |
Add trip counts data to a Survey report. |
No default argument
bottom-up[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Generate a Survey report in bottom-up view. (desc], csv-delimiter[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Set the delimiter for a report in CSV format. (desc], data-type[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Show only floating-point data, only integer data, or data for the sum of both data types in a Roofline interactive HTML report. (desc], display-callstack[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Show a callstack for each loop/function call in a report. (desc], dynamic[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Show (in a Survey report) how many instructions of a given type actually executed during Trip Counts & FLOP analysis. (desc], enable-task-chunking[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Examine specified annotated sites for opportunities to perform task-chunking modeling in a Suitability report. (desc], filter[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) Filter data by the specified column name and value in a Survey and Trips Counts & FLOP report. (desc], gpu[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- topic/desc "}) With Offload Modeling perspective, analyze OpenCL™ and oneAPI Level Zero programs running on Intel® Graphics. With GPU Roofline perspective. create a Roofline interactive HTML report for data collected on GPUs. (desc], format[/OptionRef/OptionBody/Modifiers/p/xref/desc {"- top