Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents

Customize Offload Modeling Perspective

Customize the perspective flow to better fit your goal and your application.

If you change any of the analysis settings from the Analysis Workflow tab, the accuracy level changes to Custom automatically. With this accuracy level, you can customize the perspective flow and/or analysis properties.

To change the properties of a specific analysis:

  1. Expand the analysis details on the Analysis Workflow pane with .
  2. Select desired settings.
  3. For more detailed customization, click the gear icon. You will see the Project Properties dialog box open for the selected analysis.
  4. Select desired properties and click OK.

For a full set of available properties, click the icon on the left-side pane or go to File > Project Properties.

The following tables cover project properties applicable to the analyses in the Offload Modeling perspective.

Common Properties

Use This

To Do This

Inherit settings from Visual Studio project checkbox and field (Visual Studio* IDE only)

Inherit Intel Advisor project properties from the Visual Studio* startup project (enable).

If enabled, the Application, Application parameters, and Working directory fields are pre-filled and cannot be modified.

In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Advisor provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Advisor interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Advisor project.

Application field and Browse... button

Select an analysis target executable or script.

If you specify a script in this field, consider specifying the executable in the Advanced > Child application field (required for Dependencies analysis).

Application parameters field and Modify... button

Specify runtime arguments to use when performing analysis (equivalent to command line arguments).

Use application directory as working directory checkbox

Automatically use the value in the Application directory to pre-fill the Working directory value (enable).

Working directory field and Browse... button

Select the working directory.

User-defined environment variables field and Modify... button

Specify environment variables to use during analysis.

Managed code profiling mode drop-down

  • Automatically detect the type of target executable as Native or Managed, and switch to that mode (choose Auto).

  • Collect data for native code and do not attribute data to managed code (choose Native).

  • Collect data for both native and managed code, and attribute data to managed code as appropriate (choose Mixed). Consider using this option when analyzing a native executable that makes calls to managed code.

  • Collect data for both native and managed code, resolve samples attributed to native code, and attribute data to managed source only (choose Managed). The call stack in the analysis result displays data for managed code only.

Child application field

Analyze a file that is not the starting application. For example: Analyze an executable (identified in this field) called by a script (identified in the Application field).

Invoking these properties could decrease analysis overhead.


For the Dependencies Analysis Type: If you specify a script file in the Application field, you must specify the target executable in the Child application field.

Modules radio buttons, field, and Modify... button

  • Analyze specific modules and disable analysis of all other modules (click the Include only the following module(s) radio button and choose the modules).

  • Disable analysis of specific modules and analyze all other modules (click the Exclude only the following module(s) radio button and choose the modules).

Including/excluding modules could minimize analysis overhead.

Use MPI launcher checkbox

Generate a command line (enable) that appears in the Get command line field based on the following parameters:

  • Select MPI Launcher - Intel or another vendor

  • Number of ranks - Number of instances of the application

  • Profile ranks - All or a range of ranks to profile

Automatically stop collection after (sec) checkbox and field

Stop collection after a specified number of seconds (enable and specify seconds).

Invoking this property could minimize analysis overhead.

Survey Analysis Properties

Use This

To Do This

Automatically resume collection after (sec) checkbox and field

Start running your target application with collection paused, then resume collection after a specified number of seconds (enable and specify seconds).

Invoking this property could decrease analysis overhead.


The corresponding CLI action option is --resume-after=<integer>, where the integer argument is in milliseconds, not seconds.

Sampling Interval selecto