AN 1002: Sharing Platform Designer Packaged Subsystems

ID 786899
Date 10/02/2023
Document Table of Contents

4.4.2. Step 4a: Add Two Checkbox Controls

The following code creates two checkbox controls that are visible in the parameter editor GUI of the packaged subsystem for packaged subsystem users. These controls are linked to the RX and TX package-level parameters. The RX and TX parameters are of type boolean and are asserted false by default.

Add the following to the Packaged Subsystem Script tab, after the last add_fileset statement.

add_parameter TX BOOLEAN false "Enable transmitter"
add_parameter RX BOOLEAN false "Enable receiver"
Note: For details on these commands, refer to the Parameters topic of the Platform Designer _hw.tcl Command Reference section of the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer.
Figure 13. Add Two Checkbox Controls