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Error Codes for Intel Graphics Driver Versions and Older

Content Type: Install & Setup   |   Article ID: 000054972   |   Last Reviewed: 02/14/2025


Operating System

Windows 7 family*, Windows 8.1 family*, Windows® 10, 32-bit*, Windows® 10, 64-bit*

The following table offers details on each error code that can be generated during a failed installation of Intel Graphics driver versions and older. See How to Identify Your Intel® Graphics Driver Version for detailed steps on how to identify your driver version.

For error codes on newer drivers, see here.

Installer Exit Codes
Error Code Title
Value in log file
0xA001 Invalid command line. 1
  An invalid command line switch or argument was used when installing the driver. Please verify command line switches or arguments and try again.  
  Here is a list of supported switches:  
  -s    Silently install  
  -b - Reboots the system after installation

Must be used in conjunction with the -s switch


-overwrite - Forces a driver downgrade. Does not display the downgrade prompt.

  -ver - Displays the version of the drivers in the install package.  
  -report <path> - <Path> is the folder in which to place the log file

<Path> can optionally include a filename with an extension

  -g <lcid> - The language with code <lcid> is used for the UI

invalid <lcid> will default to English

  -? - Displays help dialog  
0xA002 The user is not an administrator. 2
  The user is not logged into Windows as an administrator or with administrator privileges. The user's privileges are not sufficient to complete this installation. Please use an account with administrator privileges or contact your system administrator for assistance.  
0xA003 The operating system version is not supported for this product. 3
  The driver you are attempting to install does not support the version of operating system you are currently installing on. Check the Release Notes or ReadMe files within the accompanying driver for supported operating system versions. This could be the case if attempting to install a Windows® 10 driver on an older operating system or an older driver on the latest Windows version.  
0xA005 No devices were found that match the devices supported by the driver. 5
  The driver you are attempting to install does not support your hardware. This can happen if you are attempting to install a new driver on older hardware, an  old driver on a newer hardware, or on hardware from a unsupported manufacturer. Check the Release Notes or ReadMe files within the accompanying driver for supported hardware devices.  
0xA007 The driver downgrade was refused by the user. 7
  The driver you are attempting to install is older than the currently installed driver. You have chosen not to continue the installation.  
0xA009 The installation was canceled by the user. 9
  You have cancelled the installation before the installation process was completed.  
0xA00A Another installation is already active. 10
  An installation has been detected as already in progress. Please wait for the installation process to complete before attempting to begin another installation.  
0xA00B An error occurred during the extraction of installation files. 11
  Installation files are compressed to minimize file size. Prior to installation, the files are decompressed to a temporary location, then installation begins. If that process fails, the installation cannot proceed. Please attempt installation again and if the error continues, download the package again. If the issue reoccurs, contact Intel Customer Support.  
0xA00C Nothing to do. 12
  An unspecified installation failure has been detected and the installation has exited. Please attempt installation again and if the error continues, download the package again. If the issue reoccurs, contact Intel Customer Support.  
0xA00D A system restart is needed before setup can continue. 13
  When installing a driver, system files are modified and installed. Some of these files are currently in use by the operating system and cannot be modified until the operating system releases them. Please reboot the system to release the files and attempt installation again.  
0xA00E Setup has completed successfully but a system restart is required. 14
  When installing a driver, system files are modified and installed. Some of these files are currently in use by the operating system and cannot be modified until the operating system releases them. Please reboot the system to release the files and attempt installation again.  
0xA00F Setup has completed successfully and a system restart has been initiated. 15
  When installing a driver, system files are modified and installed. Some of these files are currently in use by the operating system and cannot be modified until the operating system releases them. You have chosen to reboot the system and the operating system shut down is currently in process.  
0xA010 An invalid installation path is preventing installation. 16
  The installation path does not exist or cannot be accessed. This could be due to lack of privileges or an invalid system, share, or folder name. Please verify the installation path is valid and you have sufficient privileges to access it.  
0xA011 Error while installing driver. 17
  An unspecified installation failure has been detected and the installation has exited. Please attempt installation again and if the error continues, download the package again. If the issue reoccurs, contact Intel Customer Support.  
Win32 error code General installation failure. 255
  An unspecified installation failure has been detected and the installation has exited. Please attempt installation again and if the error continues, download the package again. If the issue reoccurs, contact Intel Customer Support.