Existing Suppliers
Intel depends on a multifaceted ecosystem of suppliers who support our business, and we are proud of the strong relationships built past, present and future. We are working together to ensure that the goods and services provided by our suppliers meet the highest ethical standards and align to our core values: Customer First, Quality, Fearless Innovation, Diversity and Inclusion.
Supplier Login and Support
Business to Business
For more than a decade, Intel has been building and utilizing e-Business capabilities to conduct business with suppliers and customers. In 1998, we began the process of automating our procurement processes by moving towards paperless purchase orders, automated shipment notifications, and payment processes through standardized business processes.
Business Continuity
Supply chain interruptions can happen anywhere, anytime. A robust business continuity plan can help a company prepare for the unexpected and minimize the impact of business disruptions. Intel expects all our suppliers to be prepared with a plan.
Contingent Workforce
Intel meets our strategic objectives through our own employees performing work central to our core businesses. When necessary, we also contract with suppliers whose workers may be required to support an Intel account and/or perform services on or outside of our premises. Our philosophy is not to use our contingent workforce to meet Intel’s long-term core business needs.
Corporate Responsibility
We continue to raise the bar for ourselves, making greater strides in corporate responsibility and leveraging our technology leadership to address social and environmental challenges. We require our suppliers to do the same by reporting on responsible labor practices, responsible minerals and chemicals, and environmental footprint.
Environmental Health & Safety
Intel expects all suppliers to maintain an injury-free, incident-free, and environmentally friendly job site. View our requirements and standards outlining environmental health and safety for suppliers and contractors.
Ethics & Compliance
Supplier commitment to excellent standards and conduct, along with goals and actions to solve critical environmental and social challenges, are foundational to the success of the semiconductor industry globally.
Procurement & Payment
We are committed to working with you, our valued suppliers, to help achieve on-time, accurate payment, and have designed this site specifically for you. Please use the information here as your guide to accurate setup of your supplier account and processing of your invoices and payments.
SAP Business Network (Ariba)
SAP Business Network is a standard part of doing business with Intel that provides a more efficient, easy-to-use collaboration platform for its inbound supply chain.
Supplier Quality
To encourage the drive for excellence, each year we recognize our top suppliers for their products, materials, capital equipment, services, and business practices. Learn more about our EPIC (Excellence, Partnership, Inclusion and Continuous Improvement) program and awards.
Supplier Support
For supplier assistance, please refer to our Supplier Support page for additional resources.
Supply Chain Security
The security of Intel’s supply chain is of the utmost importance to Intel, our customers and our existing suppliers. Intel maintains the same policies and procedures, with appropriate localization to meet laws, regulations, and local risks, for all aspects of the supply chain, independent of the physical location. Intel supports appropriate global standards, when available, that are used to establish policies for security and privacy aspects of Intel’s supply chain.