Procurement & Payment
We are committed to working with you, our valued suppliers, to enable on-time, accurate payment, and we have designed this site specifically for you. Please use the following information to set up your supplier account and ensure the accurate processing of invoices and payments.
Supplier Login and Support
Invoicing by Country/Region
Electronic invoicing is the fastest way to submit an invoice. You can submit invoices electronically using the SAP Business Network for Purchase Orders viewed on the SAP Business Network, or using Intel® WebSuite for purchase orders viewed on Intel® Web PO.
If your country does not allow electronic invoicing, find your country in the Invoice Requirements by Country listing for instructions on submitting invoices.
For Altera, please refer to the Altera Invoice Requirement by Country.
Important Tips for Paper Invoicing
Tips to facilitate invoice recognition (OCR - optical character recognition)
- All invoices should be typed, with good quality, and not handwritten
- If sent via email, please make sure that the invoice in PDF format
Invoice date
- Please use numeric dates only (correct - 12.03.2016 incorrect - 12 March 2016)
- Please avoid stating different dates on the first page of an invoice
Invoice reference
- Please quote invoice reference number clearly on the top of the invoice
- Please use numbers and/or Latin alphabet only
Purchase order (if applicable)
- Please make sure that PO is printed on each invoice (please avoid hand written PO’s)
- Please quote PO on the first page of an invoice
- Please use a space between PO and number (correct PO 300000011 incorrect - PO300000011)
VAT amount
- Please state clearly the VAT amount on the invoice (if applicable)
Invoice total amount
- Please state, clearly, the invoice total amount, quoting according currency next to the figure
Additional Supplier Information:
Tax requirements:
- To comply with US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements, Intel must have a valid W-9 Form on file for all US suppliers for 1099 purposes.
- Non-US vendors may need to submit a W-8BEN Form. Please check the form and instructions to determine if this is required of you.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT):
- With EFT, payments can be electronically deposited directly into your company’s designated bank account. Please ensure to update your bank details with Intel. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your buyer.
PRC Non-RMB Service Invoice:
- PRC Web Service Invoice Handbook
For help submitting a PRC Web Service Invoice, please use the PRC Web Service Invoice Handbook. This document will walk you through the different fields that need to be populated in the Web Service Invoice. - PRC Statement Letter Of Service Details (For suppliers that are NOT able to submit Web Invoices)
Payment Information
Payment Terms:
Payment terms always follow the contracted terms or the terms reflected on the Purchase Order (PO). Our default payment terms is net 90 days.
Payment terms are calculated from the later of the following:
- Receivable PO's from the later of the following: actual delivery date when goods are received at Intel; OR the date a valid, original invoice is received at Intel accounts payable.
- Non-Receivable PO’s payment terms clock start solely on the date a valid, original invoice is received at Intel accounts payable.
Electronic invoicing is the fastest way to submit an invoice. You can submit invoices electronically using the SAP Business Network for Purchase Orders viewed on the SAP Business Network, or using Intel® WebSuite for purchase orders viewed on Intel® Web PO.
Tracking Payment Status
- SAP Business Network Transactions - You may access SAP Business Network through this link, where you find the status of invoices and payments using the dashboard views and search features. SAP Business Network is designed for efficient, easy-to-use tools for searching for invoices and payments, as well as running reports utilizing various criteria.
- WebSuite Transactions - Intel payment tracker enables suppliers to run reports of invoice and payment status by check number, invoice number, PO number, and payment due-date range.
- Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX): Remittance advice and payments are sent electronically to your company’s bank. You then coordinate with your banking institution on how to receive notification and remittance advice from them. Please contact your bank to verify their capabilities.
Bank Charges
- Definition: Bank processing fees charged by the bank to their customer in lieu of the services provided, i.e. wire transfer fees
- Intel standard payment practice, bank charges will be shared between Intel & their vendors.
- Intel will absorb payer bank charges. Suppliers should absorb their intermediary & payee/beneficiary bank's charges, and should not bill-back Intel.
- Bank charges amount vary, depending on the payment method and respective payee banks.
Bank Account Information Updates
- Please ensure you keep Intel informed when you have bank information updates. Failing to update your bank information in Intel's database will result in your payment being rejected and a delay in receiving payment.
- Please update your bank information via Graphite Connect or submit a ticket via the Intel SourceShopPay Support and select Procurement and Payment Solutions as the Issue Category.
Delivery Questions
Where do I ship?
Upon receipt of a Purchase Order (PO), the designated shipping address will be detailed on the printed document. It is imperative that goods are delivered exclusively to the address specified on the printed PO to facilitate a seamless payment process. Should there be a requirement for the goods to be delivered to an alternate location, it is the responsibility of the requester to amend the PO prior to the delivery.
Why a printed PO is important when delivering to an Intel warehouse?
When delivering items to an Intel warehouse, it is essential to provide the printed PO to the receiving personnel. This procedure allows Intel to accurately match the delivered goods with the appropriate PO. The warehouse team is unable to accept any goods that are not accompanied by the corresponding printed PO.
How do I contact Intel if I have a question on goods delivery?
If there are any questions or concerns on delivery, please submit a request ticket to Intel SourceShopPay Support or call at 1-877-811-2574 option 2-5, and provide your supplier ID # and your question.
Invoicing Questions
How do I invoice Intel?
There are multiple ways you can submit invoices to Intel whether electronic or paper. However, the preferred method is electronic. Please talk to our Purchasing representative to decide the most cost effective method from the options below, to contact a Purchasing representative please submit a request ticket to Intel SourceShopPay Support.
Invoice Submission Options:
- Electronic Invoice
- Web Invoice, whereby invoices are submitted via the through the Web Invoice. SAP Business Network invoice, whereby invoices are submitted via the SAP Business Network (A walkthrough of the steps to submit electronic invoices can be found on page 53 of the Intel Supplier Master Guide).
- Paper invoice, whereby hardcopy invoices are sent to the address stated in the PO to Intel Accounts Payable, and then it will take a few more days for Intel Accounts Payable to enter the invoice into Intel System.
- Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS), whereby invoices are automatically generated upon goods received; it is only applicable to certain countries/goods purchase.
- Consignment, whereby invoices are automatically generated when Intel consumes consigned goods.
- Extensible Markup Language (XML), where supplier’s system will interface with Intel system directly through RosettaNet.
What if my invoice if rejected?
You should have received an invoice rejection notification either through email, fax, mail, or by logging into the SAP Business Network/ Intel® Payment Tracker. The notification explains what the rejection reason is. Once you have rectified the invoice, you can resubmit the invoice to Intel Accounts Payable.
Can my invoice be paid sooner?
Due to the current business conditions, Intel made the decision to suspend accelerated payments program, the Early Pay Program, with C2FO effective February 2023. For more information, please reference the Frequently Asked Questions.
Payment Questions
How do I view the status of my payment?
Use either the Intel® Payment Tracker tool or the SAP Business Network to look up and view the details of a payment. Track payments in the system where the invoice was submitted. Refer to Intel® Payment Tracker Training or SAP Business Network for additional information.
How do I gain access to Intel® Payment Tracker?
First, you need to register with the Intel® WebSuite application. You will need two important pieces of information before you can start the registration process. Those two pieces of information are:
- Supplier Number: This is a 10-digit identification number provided by Intel to all suppliers. If you do not know your Supplier Number, contact your Intel contact person with whom you work most closely.
- Tax # / VAT # / Company Registration Number: This number corresponds to the country/region of your corporate address, which can be provided by your companies HR or Accounting department.
Register online at After Intel receives your application, Intel personnel will notify you via email when you have been approved for use. Then you can follow the steps detailed in this Intel® Payment Tracker Training.
I cannot find an invoice on Intel® Payment Tracker. Who should I contact?
If you are unable to locate an invoice, the invoice has either yet to be received by Intel, or the invoice falls outside of the 180-day invoice display threshold. For additional details about a specific invoice, you can submit a request ticket to the Intel SourceShopPay Support.
My invoice shows as paid but I didn't receive the money. What do I have to do?
It may take some time to receive the money after Intel executes the payment, as it depends on the bank processing time. Please submit a request ticket to the Intel SourceShopPay Support for help, if you haven’t received it by four days after the payment date.
When will my payment be processed?
Intel will make payment on the next scheduled payment processing date on or after the Terms End Date. Please consider that payment terms are calculated from the later of the following: actual delivery date when goods are received by Intel; OR the date a valid invoice is received at Intel Accounts Payables.
Why have I not received my payment even though my invoice is due?
All invoices are subject to certain validations before being approved for payment. You may refer to either Intel® Payment Tracker or the SAP Business Network for invoice status or submit a request ticket to the Intel SourceShopPay Support for help.
How can I request a proof of payment?
- For those transactions processing through the SAP Business Network, Intel generates remittances that can be viewed by logging into the SAP Business Network.
- For those transactions NOT processing through the SAP Business Network, Intel does not generate remittance advice but you may refer to Intel® Payment Tracker to reconcile the payment. If you have special need to obtain bank confirmation, please contact Intel SourceShopPay Support.
How do I ensure electronic payments issued to my company are securely and timely delivered?
- Please ensure you keep Intel informed when you have bank information updates. Failing to update your bank information in Intel's database will result in your payment being rejected and a delay in receiving payment.
- If you are uncertain what your current bank information is in Intel's database, please check and update your bank information via Graphite Connect or submit a ticket via the Intel SourceShopPay Support and select Procurement and Payment Solutions as the Issue Category.
Statement Review
What Is Statement Review?
Statement review is a payment recovery process which is also common industry practice in order to reconcile accounts with suppliers. Every supplier paid by Intel in the previous year will be selected for this annual audit which Intel has done so since 2008.
Why Is It Important for Intel?
Statement review collects outstanding balances with Intel suppliers that were not able to be identified.
Who are the Intel Approved Audit Firms?
Intel Audit Firms - If you are contacted by the below listed audit firms, they are legitimate requests, and Intel encourages you to please respond accordingly.
- Recovery Audit Firm – Illumis - Intel uses 3rd party audit firms to gather account receivable statements of account from its suppliers to conduct an audit to improve the billing processes with Intel.
- Financial Audit Firm – Ernst & Young (EY) - Intel partners with external auditors who request account receivable balance confirmations from suppliers to support Intel financial statement obligations.
Why Intel Engaged External Audit Firms for this Process?
The mentioned audit firms are leaders in recovery audits which are specialized in disbursement errors and frauds.
Who Should Participate in This Audit Process?
All suppliers that have conducted transactions with Intel in the previous year..
General Questions
How do I inform Intel if there is a change in my supplier record information?
If you have changed your bank account information, address, company name or any other information previously provided, please update the details via Graphite Connect or submit a ticket via the Intel SourceShopPay Support and select Procurement and Payment Solutions as the Issue Category.
What should I do if I need to return/refund money to Intel?
You can use our Refund Services anytime you encounter any of the following situations:
- Duplicate Payment(s)
- Rebate(s)
- Discount(s)
- Overpayment(s)
- Wrong Payment(s)
- Debit Balance(s)
- Returned Material(s)
- Other
If you need to refund money to the United States, please follow any of the three options indicated below. If the refund is to another country, please contact Intel SourceShopPay Support by submitting a request ticket here for further instructions.
United States Refund Options:
- Send a credit memo. (Only use if more invoices will be paid by your company within a short period of time.)
- Send a check to:
Intel Corporation
Attn: Refund Check
Accounts Payable
PO Box 1000
Hillsboro, OR 97124
- Do a wire transfer (deposit) in USD currency to an Intel bank account. Please submit a request ticket to Intel SourceShopPay Support.
If you need to refund money to an Intel legal entity in another country, please contact Intel SourceShop Pay Support by submitting a request ticket here for further instructions.
Upon issuing the refund, please send a confirmation note to In the email, include the PO number related to the refund and the name of the Intel contact with whom you usually work. Once the confirmation note is sent, Intel will facilitate the processing of the refund on your PO or account.
How do I contact Intel if I have a query on a PO?
If there are any questions or concerns on a PO, please submit a request ticket to Intel SourceShopPay Support or Contact Us, and provide your supplier ID # and your question.
How do I contact Intel if I have a question on goods delivery?
If there are any questions or concerns on delivery, please submit a request ticket to Intel SourceShopPay Support or call at 1-877-811-2574 option 2-5, and provide your supplier ID # and your question.
Handling POs
Purchase Orders
- During the transition period, POs are likely to be generated in multiple systems
- Intel's WebPO will list all POs to ensure no orders are missed
- WebPO will indicate which POs must be viewed in the SAP Business Network, and will provide a link to navigate to the SAP Business Network to view and transact those orders
- POs created before you onboard onto the SAP Business Network will remain in WebPO and should continue to be transacted on WebPO
- It is important to monitor both the SAP Business Network and WebPO during the transition
- You should transact POs in the system where you can view the PO details. Click this guide on how to view your POs.
- You will get different email notifications based on the system where the PO was generated
Transacting POs
Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs)
- Intel has not yet enabled ASN submission in the SAP Business Network (a notice will be sent to onboarded suppliers when ASN submission is enabled)
- If you normally submit ASNs should continue to do so on WebASN
- Orders should be invoiced in the system where you can view the PO details
Tracking Invoice and Payment Status
- Invoice and payment status can be tracked in the system where the invoice was submitted