System Integrator

Industry: All | Available Territories: Global

About this Partner and Product

  • Product Name: NCS Pte. Ltd. Smart Video Platform

  • Targeted Geographies: Europe, North America, South America, Central America, Asia, Pacific and Japan, Africa and Middle East

  • Industry: All

  • Competency: Video Analytics



NCS Pte. Ltd.

NCS Pte. Ltd. solutions are designed to address the needs of various vertical industries across the Asia-Pacific region including: airports and aviation, defense, education, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and logistics, telecommunications, transportation, utilities, and government.

About the Product

NCS Pte. Ltd. Smart Video Platform

The NCS Pte. Ltd. Smart Video Platform framework has highly optimized key capabilities to access the underlying compute and vision accelerators architecture, which results in minimal changes to the top layer of the Smart City solution stack.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit