Water Restoration in Texas
To support Intel’s commitment to achieve net positive water use, Intel has funded this water restoration project to support Texas’ water resources.
Travis County Floodplain Reforestation Project
Location: Colorado River Basin, Texas
Implementation Partner: TreeFolks
Estimated Restoration Benefit1: 0.2 million gallons/year (MGY)
Project Status: Initiated in 2020
Project Description: Healthy riparian forested areas provide natural water quality improvements by filtering pollutants, shading streams and stabilizing streambanks, as well as wildlife habitat and carbon sequestration. Many historically forested areas in Travis County, Texas have been degraded by grazing and become barren or overgrown with invasive species. This project supports the planting and maintenance of healthy trees on approximately 4 acres through the Travis County Floodplain Reforestation Program, in collaboration with landowners and the City of Austin.
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2030 Goal: Net Positive Water Use
Over the last two decades, our sustainable water management efforts have enabled us to conserve billions of gallons of water and return approximately 80% of our water use back to our communities. Now, we are broadening our focus to achieve net positive water use by conserving 60 billion gallons of water and funding water projects that restore more fresh water than we consume to our local watersheds.