Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 12/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

Window: Cannot Find <file type> File

When you double-click a program unit in the analysis result, the Intel® VTune™ Profiler tries to open supporting module/source/symbol files. If it cannot locate the required file, the Cannot find <file type> file window appears, enabling you to enter the file manually. This window displays the original location of the file and provides the following options:

Use This

To Do This

Specify location of file to open text box

Specify the correct path to the file that is not found. You may choose the required file from the list. If the file you specify is invalid or partially valid, the VTune Profiler displays an error message.

Add the directory to the search list as check box

Enable adding a new directory to the search list. This option is active when you enter a directory in the Specify location of file to open text box. To add a folder to the list of search directories for the current project, select it from the drop-down list. This helps locate the module/source/symbol files for the next analysis runs.

Assembly button on the toolbar

View the disassembly code for the current selection.

OK button

Close the window. If you provided a valid location in the Specify location of file to open text box, the VTune Profiler opens the source code for the selected item. If you cannot provide a valid location for the file, click the Assembly button on the toolbar to view the disassembly code or close the Source/Assembly window.

Skip button

Stop searching for symbol files and open the Source/Assembly window. This button is only available when a symbol file is not found.