GTS Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 819200
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents In-Band Calendar Bits on Receive Side

The Interlaken IP core receiver logic decodes incoming control words (both burst control words and idle control words) on the incoming Interlaken link. If you turn on Include in-band flow control functionality, the receiver logic extracts the calendar pages from the In-Band Flow Control bits and assembles them into the irx_calendar output signal. If you turn off Include in-band flow control functionality, the IP core sets all the bits of irx_calendar to the value of 1, indicating that the IP core is not flow controlling the incoming data on the Interlaken link. On the receiver side, irx_chan, irx_ch0_xon and irx_ch1_xon aligned with clk_rx_common. It is the user's responsibility to handle the transmission whenever any of the flow control for channel 0 or 1 is off (or backpressure).