Performance Monitor FPGA IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 and Agilex™ 7 FPGAs

ID 817760
Date 4/01/2024

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4.3. Performance Monitor (PMON) FPGA IP Parameter Descriptions

The following table summarizes the PMON IP parameters.

Table 2.  PMON IP Parameters
Parameter Range Description
Remote access via JTAG True, False Choose whether to have access to Control and Status Registers (CSRs) via JTAG or through the AXI-Lite interface. Default=False.
Unit Monitor 0
Unit ID 0-65335 Set to differentiate instances of PMON in hardware and simulation via the Unit ID CSR value. Default=0.
AXI Interface
Write ID Width 1-18 Specifies widths of AWID and BID ports of the AXI4 bus. Default=7.
Write Address Width 1-64 Specifies width of AWADDR port of the AXI4 bus. Default=31.
Use AWLOCK True, False Enables AWLOCK port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use AWCACHE True, False Enables AWCACHE port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use AWQOS True, False Enables AWQOS port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use AWREGION True, False Enables AWREGION port of the AXI4 bus. Default=False.
Use AWUSER True, False Enables AWUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
AWUSER Width 1-64 Specifies width of AWUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=8.
Read ID Width 1-18

Specifies widths of ARID and RID ports of the AXI4 bus. Default=7.

Read Address Width 1-64 Specifies width of ARADDR port of the AXI4 bus. Default=31.
Use ARLOCK True, False Enables ARLOCK port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use ARCACHE True, False Enables ARCACHE port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use ARQOS True, False Enables ARQOS port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
Use ARREGION True, False Enables ARREGION port of the AXI4 bus. Default=False.
Use ARUSER True, False Enables ARUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=True.
ARUSER Width 1-64 Enables ARUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Specifies width of ARUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=8.
Write Data Width 8-192, 256-320, 512-576, 1024-1088 Specifies width of write data. 2^N bits are mapped to the WDATA port and the remainder of the bits up to a maximum of 64 are mapped to the WUSER port. N is a integer ranging from 3 to 10.
Read Data Width 8-192, 256-320, 512-576, 1024-1088 Specifies width of read data. 2^N bits are mapped to the RDATA port and the remainder of the bits up to a maximum of 64 are mapped to the RUSER port. N is a integer ranging from 3 to 10.
Use BUSER True, False Enables BUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=False.
BUSER Width 1-64 Specifies width of BUSER port of the AXI4 bus. Default=8.