Intel® FPGA AI Suite: Version 2023.2.1 Release Notes

ID 772497
Date 9/06/2023

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4. Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes in Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2.1

Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2.1 fixes the following issues:
  • The dla_compiler performance estimator now properly estimates the performances of graphs that have multiple subgraphs.
  • The PCIe design example runtime is now compatible with the version of gflags found in Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8.
  • The architecture optimizer now works for cases where the input .arch file targets the Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX device families.

Bug Fixes in Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2

Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2 fixes the following issues:
  • Under certain circumstances, the 2023.1 release of the example design for the Terasic DE10-Agilex board would program a clock frequency that exceeded the allowable clock frequency. The amount was typically 5% or less and it was rare for this to generate observable errors. The overclocking issue has been resolved in this release.
  • This release resolves a feature-data corruption issue that, in previous releases, could affect graphs with multiple inputs.

Also, Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2 along with the update to using OpenVINO™ 2022.3 helps resolve issues related to unsupported models that occurred in previous Intel® FPGA AI Suite releases. If you were unable to compile a custom model previously, try recompiling the model with Intel® FPGA AI Suite Version 2023.2.