Visible to Intel only — GUID: slo1656011648052
1. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide
2. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Components
3. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Installation Overview
4. Installing the Intel® FPGA AI Suite Compiler and IP Generation Tools
5. Installing the Intel® FPGA AI Suite PCIe-Based Design Example Prerequisites
6. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Quick Start Tutorial
A. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide Archives
B. Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide Document Revision History
4.1. Supported FPGA Families
4.2. Operating System Prerequisites
4.3. Installing the Intel® FPGA AI Suite With System Package Management Tools
4.4. Installing OpenVINO™ Toolkit
4.5. Installing Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software
4.6. Setting Required Environment Variables
4.7. Installing Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
4.8. Finalizing Your Intel® FPGA AI Suite Installation
6.1. Creating a Working Directory
6.2. Preparing OpenVINO™ Model Zoo
6.3. Preparing a Model
6.4. Running the Graph Compiler
6.5. Preparing an Image Set
6.6. Programming the FPGA Device
6.7. Performing Inference on the PCIe-Based Example Design
6.8. Building an FPGA Bitstream for the PCIe Example Design
6.9. Building the Example FPGA Bitstreams
6.10. Preparing a ResNet50 v1 Model
6.11. Performing Inference on the Inflated 3D (I3D) Graph
6.12. Performing Inference on YOLOv3 and Calculating Accuracy Metrics
Visible to Intel only — GUID: slo1656011648052
4.1. Supported FPGA Families
The Intel FPGA AI Suite supports the following FPGA device families:
- Intel Agilex® 7
- Intel® Arria® 10
- Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX
- Intel® Stratix® 10
The Intel® FPGA AI Suite is compatible with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Versions 19.2 - 23.1.
The Intel® FPGA AI Suite design examples (PCIe and SoC) require specific versions of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.