MACsec Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 736108
Date 4/03/2023

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3.1. MACsec Intel FPGA IP Parameter Settings

Table 25.  MACsec IP Parameter Settings
Parameter Supported Values Default Settings Parameter Description
Topology Tab
Snapshot Enable Enable, Disable DISABLE Snapshot Enable for Statistics Counters.
Control Port

Controlled ports for encryption and decryption lanes.

User Mux Enable Enable, Disable ENABLE Enables the Arbiter on the user interface.
Uncontrolled Port Enable Enable, Disable DISABLE Indicates whether the uncontrolled ports for both transmit and receive lanes are enabled to receive user traffic. When disabled, the uncontrolled ports are hidden from the user.
Number of TX+RX Ports 2-64 4 Maximum number of controlled ports supported in MACsec for all ports and streams.
Number of TX Ports 0-64 2 Number of TX ports used in MACsec IP.
Maximum Crypto Channels 8-1024 32 Maximum number of Crypto channels used in MACsec for all ports and streams.
Interface Property Tab
User Data Width
  • 256
  • 512
512 Bus width for interface between MACsec engine and Mux/Demux blocks.
Select Port 0-64 0 Selects the port for which parameters are to be configured.
Port Data Width
  • 64
  • 128
  • 256
  • 512
64 AXI-ST user interface port data bus width.
Arbiter Ready Latency 0-16 0

Mux/Demux Per-port Arbiter ready latency. Defines the association between assertion of the READY signal and the corresponding VALID on the Port Mux/Demux and MacSec SIP interface.

Buffer Store Forward Enable Enable, Disable Disable Buffer operates in store and forward mode when enabled. In store and forward mode, the buffer stores the entire packet from the SOP until TLAST/EOP before indicating transfer readiness at the buffer outlet.
Metadata Enable Enable, Disable Disable Indicates there is user metadata which is tag along with incoming/outgoing packet into MACsec IP. It is required to support PTP use case.
802_1AE-2018 Options Tab
Port VLAN Clear Enable, Disable Enable Defines whether VLLAN Clear is supported for Port X.
Validate Frames Strict, Check, Disable Strict Indicates the transmitted/received frames check level.
Protect Frames True, False True Frames Protection Enable
Replay Protect True, False True Anti-Replay Protection Check Enable
XPN Mode 0,1 1 Indicates whether the 64b Extended Packet Number is supported.
Engineering Settings Tab
Hidden Parameters Enable Unchecked, Checked Unchecked Shows the hidden parameters.
CRYPTO_QHIP_EN 0,1 1 Enables AES Crypto-IP
REPLAY_PROTECT_MULTI_CYCLE 0,1 0 Enables Multi-Cycle Implementation of the Anti-Replay Protection Check Enable feature.
Example Designs Tab
Example Design Files
Simulation Checked, Unchecked Checked When the Simulation box is checked, all necessary file sets required for simulation are generated. When this box is NOT checked, file sets required for simulation are NOT generated. Instead a gsys example design system is generated.
Synthesis Checked, Unchecked Checked When the Synthesis box is checked, all necessary file sets required for synthesis are generated. When this box is NOT checked, file sets required for synthesis are NOT generated. Instead a gsys example design system is generated.
Generated HDL Format
General file format Verilog Verilog HDL format
Target Development Kit
Current development kit None None This option provides support for various development kits listed. The details of Intel FPGA development kits can be found on Intel the Intel FPGA website: kits/all-development-kits.html. If this menu is greyed out, it because no board is supported for the options selected (for example, synthesis deselected) If an Intel FPGA development board is selected, the Target Device used for generation is the one that matches the device on the development kit.