4G Turbo-V Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683882
Date 4/03/2023

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3.4. Simulating a 4G Turbo-V IP with C-Models

Before simulating, generate a design example from the IP parameter editor. No hardware example gets generated when you click Generate Example Design. If you upgrade the IP to a newer version, regenerate the example design. This task is for simulating an uplink accelerator. To simulate an downlink accelerator replace ul with dl in each directory or file name. You compile and execute the C code from <Example Design Folder>\c\ directory.
  1. For GCC compiler from terminal on Linux, type:
    >> gcc -lm main_turbov_ul.c -o run_ul
    >> ./run_dl
  2. For GCC compiler (e.g. MinGW-w64) from a command prompt on Windows, type:
    >> gcc -lm main_turbov_ul.c -o run_ul
    >> ./run_ul.exe
  3. For Visual Studio on Windows:
    1. Create an empty VS project in <Example Design Folder> directory
    2. Add the single source file main_turbov_ul.c to the project
    3. Build and run the project
    • The executable reads ../test_data/turbov_ul_input_data.txt and ../test_data/turbov_ul_input_info.txt as inputs.
    • The executable generates ../test_data/turbov_ul_output_data_gold.txt and ../test_data/turbov_ul_output_info_gold.txt as outputs.
    • You can use the same input .txt files in RTL simulations.
    • The output .txt file provides a golden output, which you can use to check the correctness of the output from RTL simulations.
    • You can create a VS project at a different location. You must move the test_data folder to <vs project>/../test_data directory to avoid the error cannot open ../test_data/turbov_ul_input_data.txt.