2. Intel® High Level Synthesis (HLS) Compiler Pro Edition Getting Started Guide
The Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition Getting Started Guide describes the procedures to set up the Intel® HLS Compiler and to run an HLS design example.
In this publication, <quartus_installdir> refers to the location where you installed Quartus® Prime Design Suite.
- Windows
- C:\intelFPGA_pro\24.1
- Linux
- /home/<username>/intelFPGA_pro/24.1
About the Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Documentation Library
Title and Description | |
Release Notes Provides late-breaking information about the Intel® HLS Compiler. |
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Getting Started Guide Get up and running with the Intel® HLS Compiler by learning how to initialize your compiler environment and reviewing the various design examples and tutorials provided with the Intel® HLS Compiler. |
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User Guide Provides instructions on synthesizing, verifying, and simulating intellectual property (IP) that you design for Intel FPGA products. Go through the entire development flow of your component from creating your component and testbench up to integrating your component IP into a larger system with the Intel Quartus Prime software. |
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Best Practices Guide Provides techniques and practices that you can apply to improve the FPGA area utilization and performance of your HLS component. Typically, you apply these best practices after you verify the functional correctness of your component. |
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Reference Manual Provides reference information about the features supported by the Intel HLS Compiler. Find details on Intel® HLS Compiler command options, header files, pragmas, attributes, macros, declarations, arguments, and template libraries. |
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