AN 464: DFT/IDFT Reference Design

ID 683644
Date 5/30/2018

Simulating the DFT/IDFT Reference Design with the Avalon-ST Testbench

The Avalon-ST testbench and script uses a single fixed set of parameters and runs a sequence of transforms with the transform length changing. This testbench quickly demonstrates the integration of the reference design and the Avalon-ST interfaces.
  1. Open the ModelSim simulator.
  2. Change the directory to/sim_top.
  3. Type the following command:
    source ltefft_top.tclr
    Ignore the address out of range warnings.
  4. Compare the output file output_data.txt with the expected output expected_output_data_random_16_blocks.txt, to ensure they match except for the block length comments in the expected file.
    The test input file is input_stream_random_17_blocks.txt. The sequence of sizes are listed in the readme_random_17_blocks.txt file in the \sim_top directory.