Intel® Stratix® 10 Avalon® -MM Hard IP for PCIe* Design Example User Guide

ID 683616
Date 11/06/2017

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1.4. Simulating the Design Example

Figure 5. Procedure
  1. Change to the testbench simulation directory, pcie_example_design_tb.
  2. Run the simulation script for the simulator of your choice. Refer to the table below.
  3. Analyze the results.
Table 1.  Steps to Run Simulation
Simulator Working Directory Instructions
ModelSim* <example_design>/pcie_example_design_tb/pcie_example_design_tb/sim/mentor/
  1. do msim_setup.tcl
  2. ld_debug
  3. run -all
  4. A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion!"
VCS* <example_design>/pcie_example_design_tb/pcie_example_design_tb/sim/synopsys/vcs
  2. A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion!"
NCSim* <example_design>/pcie_example_design_tb/pcie_example_design_tb/sim/cadence
  2. A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion!"
The simple DMA testbench completes the following tasks:
  1. Writes to the Endpoint memory using the DUT Endpoint Avalon® -MM RX master interface.
  2. Reads from Endpoint memory using the DUT Endpoint Avalon® -MM RX master interface.
  3. Verifies the data using the shmem_chk_ok task.
  4. Writes to the Endpoint DMA controller, instructing the DMA controller to perform a MemRd request to the PCIe* address space in host memory.
  5. Writes to the Endpoint DMA controller, instructing the DMA controller to perform a MemWr request to PCIe* address space in host memory. This MemWr uses the data from the previous MemRd.
  6. Verifies the data using the shmem_chk_ok task.

The simulation reports, "Simulation stopped due to successful completion" if no errors occur.

Figure 6. Partial Transcript from Successful Simulation Testbench