R-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683544
Date 4/12/2024

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Document Table of Contents SR-IOV Design Example Testbench

The figure below shows the SR-IOV design example simulation design hierarchy. The tests for the SR-IOV design example are defined with the apps_type_hwtcl parameter set to 3. The tests run under this parameter value are defined in ebfm_cfg_rp_ep_rootport, find_mem_bar and downstream_loop.

Figure 28. SR-IOV Design Example Simulation Design Hierarchy

Device Under Test

Test Driver Module

The SR-IOV testbench supports up to two Physical Functions and 16 Virtual Functions per PF.

The testbench starts with link training and then accesses the configuration space of the R-Tile PCIe IP for enumeration. After that, it performs the following steps:
  1. Sends a memory write request to a PF followed by a memory read request to read back the same data for comparison. The test passes if the read data matches the write data.
  2. Sends a memory write request to a VF followed by a memory read request to read back the data for comparison. The test passes if the read data matched the write data. This test is repeated for each VF.