E-Tile Hard IP User Guide: E-Tile Hard IP for Ethernet and E-Tile CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IPs

ID 683468
Date 7/23/2024
Document Table of Contents PCS Virtual Lane 0

Offset: 0x330

PCS Virtual Lane 0 Fields

Bit Name Description Access Reset
29:25 vlane5 Virtual lane mapping

Original virtual lane position of the data mapped to the PCS lane with this index.

For example, if you read the value 5 from vlane 12, it means the virtual lane data that the link partner transmitted on virtual lane 5 is being received on virtual lane 12. EHIP reorders the data automatically

RO 0x1F
24:20 vlane4
19:15 vlane3
14:10 vlane2
9:5 vlane1
4:0 vlane0