Visible to Intel only — GUID: vag1523608132443
1.1. Release Information
1.2. Device Family Support
1.3. Signals
1.4. Parameters
1.5. Register Map
1.6. Using Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP
1.7. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP Reference Design
1.8. Flash Access Using the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP
1.9. Intel HAL Driver
1.10. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Archives
1.11. Document Revision History for the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: vag1523608132443
1.7.5. Programming the .sof File
- In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer, click on Hardware setup and choose the correct USB chain connecting your FPGA.
- Click on Auto Detect and 5CEFA7F31 appears, and change the file to top.sof.
- Enable Program/ Configure, and click Start.