Visible to Intel only — GUID: iyi1539854291010
1.1. Release Information
1.2. Device Family Support
1.3. Signals
1.4. Parameters
1.5. Register Map
1.6. Using Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP
1.7. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP Reference Design
1.8. Flash Access Using the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP
1.9. Intel HAL Driver
1.10. Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Archives
1.11. Document Revision History for the Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iyi1539854291010
1.8.2. Flash Operations to Read Flash Registers
The following flash operations are used to read flash registers:
- Read device ID
- Read status register
- Read flag status register
- Read configuration register
- Read bank register
- Read enhanced volatile configuration register
The following registers are used to read the status of a register:
- Flash command setting register
- Flash command control register
- Flash command read data 0 register
Perform the Read Device ID Operation
proc read_device_id { } {
global mp flash_cmd_setting flash_cmd_ctrl flash_cmd_read_data_0
master_write_32 $mp $flash_cmd_setting 0x0000489F
master_write_32 $mp $flash_cmd_ctrl 0x1
set device_id [master_read_32 $mp $flash_cmd_read_data_0 1]
puts $device_id
To perform the read device ID operation, follow these steps:
- Define the global variables.
- Customize the read device ID operation by writing to the flash command setting register.
- Set bit [7:0] of this register to 9F as 9Fh is the operation code of the read device ID operation.
- Set bit [10:8] to 0 as this operation does not carry any address byte.
- Set bit 11 to 1 as the number of byte declared in bit [15:12] is the read data from the flash device.
- Set bit [15:12] to 4 so that you can read 4 bytes device ID data from the flash.
- Write 1 to bit 0 of the flash command control register to start the read device ID operation.
- Read the device ID from the flash command read data 0 register.