Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.2.6. interfaces

The interfaces element of the board_spec.xml file describes the kernel interfaces which will connect to OpenCL™ kernels and control their behaviors. For this element, include one of each interface of types master, irq and streamsource. Refer to the interface section for the parameters you must specify for each interface.
Example XML code:
  <interface name="board" port="kernel_cra" type="master" width="64" misc="0"/>
  <interface name="board" port="kernel_irq" type="irq" width="1"/>
  <interface name="board" port="acl_internal_snoop" type="streamsource"
   enable="SNOOPENABLE" width="31" clock="board.kernel_clk"/>
  <kernel_clk_reset clk="board.kernel_clk" clk2x="board.kernel_clk2x" reset="board.kernel_reset"/>

In addition to the master, irq, and streamsource interfaces, if your design includes a separate Platform Designer (Standard) subsystem containing the board logic, the kernel clock and reset interfaces exported from it are also part of the interfaces element. Specify these interfaces with the kernel_clk_reset attribute and its corresponding parameters.

Table 15.  Parameters for the kernel_clk_reset Attribute

Name the kernel clock and reset interfaces in the Platform Designer (Standard) connection format (that is, <instance_name>.<interface_name>).

For example: board.kernel_clk

Attribute Description
clk The Platform Designer (Standard) name for the kernel clock interface. The kernel_clk output from the OpenCL Kernel Clock Generator component drives this interface.
clk2x The Platform Designer (Standard) name for the kernel clock interface. The kernel_clk2x output from the OpenCL Kernel Clock Generator component drives this interface.
reset The Platform Designer (Standard) connection for the kernel reset. The kernel_reset output from the OpenCL Kernel Interface component drives this interface.