DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 9/30/2024

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3.3.4. Scaling with Primitive Blocks

Use Primitive library blocks to build your own run-time reconfigurable scaling.


  1. Use the left shift operation to remove redundant MSBs; use bit extract to remove LSBs and preserve the MSBs.
  2. Choose the number of MSBs to discard with the run-time reconfigurable parameter that comes from an input port.
  3. Use a control register to connect to this port, and update the shift value by a processor such as a Nios II processor.
  4. If the FPGA clock is low, use this implementation to realize different scaling for different channels. If it is a high speed application and your processor bus updates much slower than logic clock rate, you cannot use this circuit to apply different scaling for different channels.