DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 9/30/2024

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14.4.37. Minimum and Maximum (MinMax)

The MinMax block allows you to select a bounding function to apply to the inputs.
Table 220.  Functions for the MinMax Block
Function Data types Description
max Fixed- or floating-point Outputs a if a > b, otherwise outputs b.
min Fixed or floating-point Outputs a if a < b, otherwise outputs b.
maxmag Floating-point Outputs a if |a| > |b|, b if |b| > |a|, otherwise max(a,b).
minmag Floating-point Outputs a if |a| < |b|, b if |b| < |a|, otherwise min(a,b).
dim Floating-point Outputs (a – b) if a > b, otherwise outputs 0.
sat Floating-point Saturate input a to interval [c,b].

The Function mask parameter selects one of six bounding functions. The number of input ports on the block change as required by the semantics of the function that you select:

  • Two-input functions: max, min, maxmag, minmag, dim
  • Three-input functions: sat

The Output data type mode mask parameter applies only if the input is fixed-point format.

Table 221.  Port Interface for the MinMax Block
Signal Direction Type Description Vector Data Support Complex Data Support
  Input Fixed-point, single or double Operand 1 Yes No
b Input Fixed-point, single or double Operand 2 Yes No
c Input Single or double Operand 3 (saturate only) Yes No
q Output Single or double Result Yes No