Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Settings File Reference Manual

ID 683296
Date 6/26/2023

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Allows the Compiler to share hardware resources among many similar, but mutually exclusive, operations in your HDL source code. If you enable this option, the Compiler will merge compatible addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. By merging operations, this may reduce the area required by your design. Because resource sharing introduces extra muxing and control logic on each shared resource, it may negatively impact the final fmax of your design.



Device Support

  • This setting can be used in projects targeting any Intel FPGA device family.


This assignment is included in the Analysis & Synthesis report.

This assignment supports synthesis wildcards.


set_global_assignment -name AUTO_RESOURCE_SHARING <value>
set_global_assignment -name AUTO_RESOURCE_SHARING -entity <entity name> <value>
set_instance_assignment -name AUTO_RESOURCE_SHARING -to <to> -entity <entity name> <value>

Default Value
