Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
Document Table of Contents Specifying Conventional SDC Timing Constraints

To specify conventional timing constraints for post-fit timing analysis in the Timing Analyzer GUI, follow these steps:
Note: As an alternative to the Timing Analyzer GUI, you can specify conventional SDC constraints directly in a .sdc text file and add it to the project.
  1. In the Timing Analyzer GUI, click the Constraints menu and then click the constraint that you want to define. You can start by adding the Recommended Initial Conventional SDC Constraints, and then iteratively modify the constraints and reanalyze the timing results.
  2. In the GUI, specify values for the constraint and click OK. The SDC command field echoes the corresponding SDC command that applies as you enter the constraint value in the GUI.
    Figure 40. Create Clock Dialog Defines Clock Constraints

  3. When done entering constraints, click Constraints > Write SDC File to save the constraints to an .sdc file.
  4. To add the conventional .sdc file to your project, click Assignments > Settings > Timing Analyzer.
    Figure 41. Adding an SDC to the Project

  5. Run post-fit timing analysis, as Running Post-Fit Timing Analysis describes.