Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.5.16. Report Register Statistics

The Timing Analyzer's Reports > Design Metrics > Report Register Statistics command allows you to report the number of synchronous and asynchronous resets, hyper registers, and registers with clock enables in the design. You can use this information, combined with timing slack, congestion, and other analysis reports, to identify timing-critical parts of your design that can have resets removed or control schemes changed to meet timing requirements more efficiently.
Figure 179. Report Register Statistics (Report Truncated)
  • This report works similarly in both post-synthesis Early Timing Analysis and post-fit timing analysis. However, the report's Without a Clock column is more helpful for Early Timing Analysis because you typically do not apply conventional SDCs for Early Timing Analysis.
  • Clocks generated from derive_clocks commands do not count as user clocks.
  • The report's Without a Control Signal column identifies registers that have no corresponding control signal.
  • The report's Synchronous Load column identifies any synchronous load that can apply to Arria® 10 devices only.

The Without a Clock column informs you of the number of registers where no defined clock feeds the registers in the hierarchy shown in the Register Count column. A value of 0 in this column suggests that your design has SDC-defined clocks feeding registers in the design. The Unique Clocks column indicates the number of unique SDC-defined clocks feeding registers in the hierarchy identified by the Register Count. To view these columns, enable Show registers without clocks and Show the number of unique clocks feeding registers additional options in the dialog that displays when you run the report, as shown in the following image:

Figure 180. Report Register Statistics Additional Options Dialog